Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Home remedies and toilet paper...not to be combined
It has been a busy and topsy turvy week and this has given me little time to write a decent entry. So here I am, armed with coffee and munchies, ready, willing and able to keep you enthralled, engrossed, totally captivated with the week's happenings. Ok, I am exaggerating, you will not be enthralled nor engrossed nor totally fact you will be bored witless. :p

Amongst my past couple of fun filled viral days, I had the occasion to drop into the chemist once... or a thousand times, and during one such visit I had the pleasure of being in conversation with an understanding local. A local who could see my urgency in returning to home with some medication that would see the road gang in my head subside for an hour or two, so this in mind, she was good enough to keep the conversation to a minimum, stalling my departure by only 30 minutes. (Yes I know, I sounded a bit snarky there. :p) There is a point to my mentioning the conversation with this lady. Really, you can believe me, there is...
Part of the conversation went as follows:
"Dear, several of the ladies who have spare time on their hands, are coming together twice a week for classes for home remedies and some of the ladies were wondering if you would also be interested in learning these techniques."
"Home remedy lessons? Me?"
"Yes, dear."
*clutches bag of assorted painkillers, lozenges and medication a little tighter*
*Ahem* "Oh well....*motions to bag*...I think the chemist products are sufficient for me, thanks"
"Dearie, home remedies are so much better for you. "
Not wanting to disappoint and desperately wanting to escape, I could think of no other response than "I'll think about it"
Then with what appeared to be a gleeful smile at my inescapable situation the elderly turned and then promptly asked the sales person for Panadol and a cough elixir. :/

Today’s cyber surfing finds were prompted by one of the topics of conversation that was brought up in a discussion on the phone with a friend, toilet paper. Yes, that’s right, toilet paper. My friend was vividly articulating the intrusiveness of some governmental forms she needed to complete, and how the only thing they refrained from asking was whether you rolled, folded or scrunch the toilet paper when making use of the bathroom. This in turn led to openly wondering if people’s choice of toilet paper was influenced by pattern, brand, ply, fragrance or whether it simply came down to economics and the price was the determining factor in their purchase. We even delved into what would be the majority of people’s placement of the end (or beginning, depending on which way you look at it) sheet, under or over the roll. An odd topic for a phone conversation I grant you, but nonetheless, that pretty much sums up my conversations with Sarah.. ;)

Themed toilet paper
Toilet paper museum
Everything you wanted to know about loo paper
Care for paper prose?
Posted at 10:24 am by Anonymous ¤ ¤
Blogger O.J. said...

Believe it or not, I was wondering today whether you place it over or under the roll. Just don't ask me where I was when I was pondering this. ;)

10:32 am, November 02, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, at least your week has been enthralling, engrossing and totally captivating compared to mine. ;P

(BTW, this word verification thing occasionally spells out some rather curious words)

9:13 pm, November 02, 2005  

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