Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Movie Musings
With an extremely early night last night--mostly due to sleep deprivation (self inflicted) the previous night and a slight headache (result of aforementioned sleep deprivation)-, I found myself awake, up, ready and on the road by 7:30am....even the fickle Tasmanian weather was being kind, a fine day, not overly warm, but warm enough to enjoy the day without being dressed as the Michelin man. The early hour ensured a lack of traffic and the making of good time...before I knew it I was parked and stretching my legs along a small isolated stretch of beach. Just with the first footfall on sand I could feel my soul lighten (not that it needed any lightening-it was already content). It was a great place to relax. I strolled along the sand, paddled in the water in a fashion then sat down upon the sun warmed sand watching the waves lap at the shore...their sound a beat to my musings.

I have began to think of myself as being "movie jaded", blockbuster after so called blockbuster has left me feeling somewhat...I guess to be blunt, feeling ripped off. Armed with high hopes I would trudge off to the local theatre to view the last cinematic offering only to leave disappointed and with the realisation that once again I had been duped by the promotional hype....that in no way did the film deliver what all the spin promised it would. I have also grown weary of unoriginal formats, scripts, subject and content matter and visuals... and the mere mention of a sequel is enough to send a not so pleasant chill up my spin; Revenge of the Sith is the notable exception due to my love of the Star Wars Saga, along with Pirates of the Caribbean and is forthcoming follow-ups because the first was so damned funny. Someone in Hollywood has a light bulb moment "Hey, why don't we make a comic book superhero movie" and the rest of Hollywood cannot help but jump on the bandwagon, leaving us with a plethora of sequels, prequels, remakes and rip-offs. In an effort to avoid being reduced to a numb minded edible starchy vegetable during my search to be entertained I have found myself turning more and more to obscure independent films and have indeed on many occasions of late found entertainment solace there...On such film being Walk on Water an excellent film IMO, well worth the time to view. Walk on Water is also from another film category that I have found some nice little cinematic gems, foreign language films and one such recent find (DVD) was the Korean film My Teacher, Mr. Kim. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that the film was indeed exactly what it said it was a light easy watching comedy. Not the most intellectual of movies, however it never pretended to be. I found My Teacher, Mr. Kim to be a pleasant way to waste some time without having to overtax the brain cells. And, one I understand caught Hollywood's eye for their version of a remake. ;p

One last tidbit before ending this entry-I have added a game (Star Wars Flash) for those who find they need something to help erase the memory of perusing my blog/website before moving on...enjoy *wonders how to do a smiling tongue poking wink* I do also hope to add some more interactive content to the site in the form of polls, discussions etc and keep an eye out for the addition of a couple of other little projects I am working on and hope to integrate in the near future. :)
Posted at 4:42 pm by Anonymous ¤ ¤
Blogger O.J. said...

Looking forward to the future, dear, as well as future postings. I'll get to look over your shoulder as you post them.


*KISSes and SQUIShes*

12:28 pm, February 08, 2006  

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