Thursday, February 23, 2006
Why don't cats have airbags?
In the recent past I joined the ranks of those people seeking a seachange. Placing my own property up for rental, I happily exchanged city life for that of one in a small (really small)... (Really, really small)...coastal town. Thank you to luck and relatives of a close friend I was able to exchange a not so exorbitant amount of money each month for a roof, four walls and chattels that I could call home until the owners decided it was of use to them in a way other than extra income. Not long before my residence there, the current owners had done some renovation work including the reconditioning of the wooden floors. They had lifted age old carpet (decorated the floors of Noah's Ark, methinks) to reveal beautiful Huon pine floor boards. A nifty resand and polishing saw a result that was aesthetically what essentially is a cottage an impression of spaciousness, but at the same time still manages to retain a warm homely feel. To keep the floors in tip top condition (so I am informed by the owners) they need a biannual big-time-polish with specified big-time-polish stuff and several days ago saw one of those biannual times upon me. *whimpers* Diligently I followed the instructions the owners had given on how to do a big-time-polish. They look great! Fantastic!...which is all well and good if there was not a teeny weenie problem… the goddamn floor is so slippery that even my felis catus, Holly needs airbags to avoid injury as she navigates her way around the house. A midnight expedition from the relative safety of my bed to her kitty litter saw at least three of her lives vanish in a crash and bang of fur and claws meeting furniture or wall. In regards to myself, I have found, after the first ten times of bum meeting floor, that if I walk in a fashion similar to that of a gecko crossed with a praying mantis, I am less want to resemble a trauma victim. I have tried many a varied remedy to alleviate the problem; all to no avail…I would hate to think of Holly having to don airbags for the entirety of her life.
Posted at 8:58 am by Anonymous ¤ ¤
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wondered what those earth tremors were I felt all the way up here SheDevilit was you testing your suspension;)

Hos things Missy :)rlxchg

12:27 pm, February 25, 2006  

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